Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Virtualization is going to hit you soon

Well Apple is talking about it, microsoft is talking abt it, all Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies are using it.

Soon virtualization is going to hit every developer,

We all have heard about VMWare, Microsoft Virtual PC (we are talking about giants), but this small company is rocking too, they have a 50$ product for virtualization and it rocks.

I spoke with my pal who works for VMWare, some of the features he is talking about make me open my mouth.

VMotion - http://www.vmware.com/products/vi/vc/vmotion.html

Ok so here is my version of "VMotion for Dummies"

So you are in this super duper Server of yours, you installed VMWare and you have 10 virtual machines, suddenly your raid card or network card smokes out, so what do you do !!!!!!!!

Go nuts and drive ppl around you nuts. :) No here is what you do.

If you are smart enough you setup a VMWare Garden (ha ha ha that rings a bell, like IIS Web Farm), and you install VMotion, so if anything to hardware failure happens, the VMotion kicks in and it moves the virtual machine from one VM Ware server to another VMWare server.

Wow, where do these guys get such ideas from and the interesting of all is, when VM is moving it still servers.

So at last in this world 100% uptime is guaranteeed.

hey scripting guy

I had a need today to play with some VB Script, i was amazed to see the number of samples provided by microsoft,


This book has a lot of samples, what surprises me is, one team example scripting team @ MS is doing this but why not teams like Message Queue team or other teams !!!!!!!!

May be Institutionalization is tough there tooo :)